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  • ❌ Ditch your resume - do these 3 things instead

❌ Ditch your resume - do these 3 things instead

Want companies rushing to hire you? The first thing to do is...


You need more than a good resume to stand out in the remote tech job search.

I’ve shared some tips before, like:

  • Having a portfolio

  • Networking

  • Sharing what you learn

But let’s take it one step further…

Psst: find job search tips in our previous newsletter articles - you can filter by category like “tech job search” or “mentorship”


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1. Add the “magic moment” to your portfolio

No portfolio yet? This article shares how to create one.

After you have a portfolio, pretend you’re a hiring manager.

How can you improve your portfolio by making it easy for hiring managers to understand the value you bring to the team?

Here are some examples - but your portfolio will depend on the job you’re looking for. If you’re applying for more traditional roles (rather than tech startups), they may prefer the industry standard rather than creative portfolios like these.

Bruno Simon

Bruno’s portfolio has you drive a car around to view his work and background. It’s unique and interactive - sure to stand out.

However, it can be difficult to navigate and may take a long time to load.

Bruno's car game interactive portfolio website

Robby Leonardi

Robby’s arcade game-inspired portfolio reflects his skills and interests. It earned him many awards and led to more freelancing clients.

Robby's about page for his interactive game website resume

Joe Coleman

You don’t need to be a designer or developer to have a great portfolio.

Joe’s copywriting portfolio showcases how he’s able to adapt to the different needs of clients - from “less hard sell” to “more hard sell.” It also shows lots of personality and a sense of humour.

Joe's copywriting website, where an interactive slider shows you his writing from less hard sell to more hard sell. More hard sell has a cat gif saying to call Joe.

2. Create a “remote work readiness” story

Companies need assurance they can trust you when working remotely.

Provide that by highlighting experiences when you were able to collaborate with others remotely in a team environment.

You can get this experience by:

Structure your stories like the Hero’s Journey, so interviewers are more likely to remember you.

3. Show metrics aligned to business goals

Companies don’t care what tools you use as much as what impact you’re able to create with them.

(Plus, most companies provide learning and mentorship opportunities to teach you what you need to know - as long as you show you’re a quick, adaptable learner.)

Here are 3 things companies care most about - ensure you frame yourself as someone who can help them achieve all these:

  1. Problem resolution: good at communicating to solve or prevent problems, which saves time

  2. Efficiency: working fast to save time, because time is money

  3. Revenue: because money helps a company survive

Even better if you can include data visualizations and graphs showing your impact.


Improved website speed by 40%, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement and a 15% rise in conversion rates

Implemented a new workflow system, reducing project completion time by 25% and saving the company $50,000 annually.

Implemented SOPs that resulted in a 25% decrease in error rates and saving an estimated 15 hours per week.

Spearheaded agile project management techniques, resulting in a 40% increase in task completion rates and saving an average of 10 hours per project cycle.

Executed marketing campaigns that directly contributed to a 25% increase in customer acquisition and generated $500,000 in additional annual revenue.

Found this helpful?

Next week, I’ll share 3 more things you can do to stand out even more.

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